Sylvia Piechocki Gonzalez is the daughter of a Spanish mother and a German father. She grew up in Switzerland, Spain and Berlin. She owes her special heritage, namely the love of art and expression, to her mother, a singer who performed on stage in Spain and also in Berlin. In this ambience wonderful international artistic encounters took place and these formed the breeding ground for her own later creative path.
After her acting training in Berlin and Barcelona, she first dedicated herself to dance performance and studied in Amsterdam and Gerona.
New Dance with Julyen Hamilton, Choreography and Improvisation in Hamburg with Joachim Apel. Several international dance performances and choreographies followed.
At request from UNESCO for the project : “Art in the Clinic (Psychiatry)” she staged 3 plays for UNESCO.
Following her passion for acting she studied further acting methods like Lee Strasberg, Meisner and finally ” Chekhov” for several years at the International Chekhov Academy, with international acting teachers from New York, London, Berlin and Ireland and finished this study with the Chekhov -Teacher.
Various international acting projects and the production of her own first short film followed.
She lives and works in Berlin, Barcelona and Mallorca.